Grief and Comfort <3
Winter is here! And so is snow! Persephone and The Terra With A Long Name (GTTUWHNIDKBSLRFISLLAHLTATSMACEOPSGTNITLOII) seem to love it! The snow is plentiful, and it's great for wearing their favorite sweaters! Their favorite sweaters are, well, sweaters they gave to each other one Christmas and ended up being the same exact sweater. But it's perfect, since they love matching! Together, they're having a snowball fight! While they're having a snowball fight, Tally, Iri, and Rhode are enjoying some hot chocolate while Cherry and Parvo are cooking some warm pastries for everyone.
But strangely enough, not everyone enjoys this season. Varska watches on with an unreadable expression as everyone enjoys themselves. Usually, she would be asking for pastries, or attempting to steal some hot chocolate. But not today. As Varska begins to walk away, deep in thought, she doesn't go unnoticed. Persephone had noticed her sadly walking away, but wasn't quite able to catch up just yet.
Once Varska was out of view, Persephone talked to her long tailed terra friend, asking for a time out of the snow fight.
"I just saw a sad looking Plantem. I think it's Varska, from what Parvo told me. I heard she loves the pastries and i bet she can smell them from there!! I wonder what's up, I hope she's okay."
"Maybe she just forgot something! I forgot my tail muff and didn't notice until i had arrived here.. My tail felt so cold! So I went back home to get it! Maybe she forgot her.. sweater, or something? I think some Plantems have sweaters..."
"I see.. If she did, I did bring a Plantem sweater as a gift for her. I would have given it to her early, heh heh."
Varska walks to her home tree. Her friends aren't there, as they're currently spending time with their other terra friends. While she is there, she walks to a small tree, seemingly planted one year ago. It's bare of leaves, and it looks somewhat wilted, like nearly all the trees around. Tears fill her eyes as she looks down at the tree. "I'm sorry, Mom. I can't seem to be good at taking care of you, and now your tree. You loved plants... But... I failed to take care of your tree."
Varska then hears footsteps, and she quickly attempts to wipe her tears away, but somewhat fails, as she is a quadruped with hooves.
It's Cherry and Persephone. Persephone speaks, holding the custom made Plantem jacket.
"That's the plantem I saw!"
Cherry looks down at her, noticing the tears. "Oh, Varska..."
"I miss her, and I failed to take care of her tree..."
"How did you fail?"
"I don't know.. It lost all its leaves recently, and i tried taking care of it, but they never grew back! I think they died.."
"Aw, Varska... You know, during the winter season, A lot of things change. The leaves aren't there because the tree is dormant! Look around you, all the trees are also dormant. It's not dead. It looks fine to me. And even if it did die, it wouldn't be your fault. I'm sure she's very proud of you for trying. It's hard to take care of some plants."
"I... I didn't know that. I mean, I'm glad her tree is okay, Winter gave me a real scare by doing that with the tree. I already don't like the season because of losing her last year."
Then, Persephone chimes in, giving her the sweater. "It's also when gifts are given, and when everyone comes together for warmth. I can see why it'd be sad, but.. Things get better. I'm sure your mother is watching over you. And, she's probably telling you that you're missing out on a ton of pastries that have finished cooking..."
Cherry speaks happily. "Actually, I brought one for you! Your favorite. Pumpkin Pie."
Varska sniffs it. "Thanks. I.. Want to stay here for a little bit. But I'll be back soon." She says, before eating the pie.
Then, they eventually all walk back to the house, all enjoying the food and the chatter. Varska is quiet, but they all make sure to check in on her and include her.
Overall, It may be a sad day for Varska, but her friends love her and want to be there for her. All three of them soon go back to the house and enjoy pastries together, Varska wearing her new favorite sweater from a new friend. After all, everyone needs friends sometimes, and it is okay to grieve, but no matter what, it's okay in the end. There's always someone willing to listen or talk to you. Even if you're a grumpy Plantem like Varska! You are loved.
Submitted By ScriptError
Submitted: 3 days ago ・
Last Updated: 3 days ago